2nd Marathon of Parallel Programming

2007 Sponsors:

Current Edition

Click here for the current edition of the Marathon of Parallel Programming


These are the results of the marathon, ordered from the 1st to the 8th place:

  • 1st place, the Winners: SPLAMA (UFMG)
    • Bruno Coutinho (DCC-UFMG), George Teodoro (DCC-UFMG), Walter Santos (DCC-UFMG) and substitute member Thiago Xavier (DCC-UFMG)
  • 2nd place: CAVEIRA (PUCRS-UFMG)
    • Thiago Santos Zaria Xavier Teixeira (UFMG), Rodrigo Neves Calheiros (PUCRS) and Élder Francisco Fontana Bernardi (PUCRS)
  • 3rd place: FISIOCOMP (UFJF)
    • Carolina Ribeiro Xavier (UFJF) and Rafael Sachetto Oliveira (UFJF)
  • 4th place: LCCV (UFAL)
    • Maria Cecilia Rodrigues Sena (LCCV/UFAL), Joseanderson Augusto de Caldas Costa (LCCV/UFAL) and Giancarlo Gusmão Gonçalves (LCCV/UFAL)
  • 5th place: LAHPC (USP)
    • Augusto Mendes Gomes Júnior, Calebe de Paula Bianchini and Charles Boulhosa Rodamilans
  • 6th place: Aquário (UFRGS)
    • Laercio Pilla, Guilherme Matte Macedo and Caciano Machado
  • 7th place: LSC (UFSM)
    • The names were lost...
  • 8th place: UFU (UFpel - UNISINOS)
    • Elvio Antonio Alves Viçosa Junior (UFPel) and Epifanio Diniz Benitez (Unisinos)
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