4th Marathon of Parallel Programming

2009 Sponsors:

Current Edition

Click here for the current edition of the Marathon of Parallel Programming


These are the results of the marathon, ordered from the 1st to the 4th place:

  • 1st place, the Winners: UFRGS - 11.6186 points
    • Claudio Schepke, Laércio Lima Pilla and Stéfano Drimon Kurz Mór (coach: Nicolas Maillard)
  • 2nd place: LAHPC-USP - 8.7118 points
    • Augusto Mendes Gomes Júnior, Darlon Vasata and Fernando Ryoji Kakugawa (coach: Liria Matsumoto Sato)
  • 3rd place: GRVM (UFPE) - 8.5818 points
    • Pedro Leite, Artur Lira, João Marcelo Teixeira and substitute member Bernardo Souza (coach: João Marcelo Teixeira)
  • 4th place: UFMG - 6.0251 points
    • Bruno Rocha Coutinho, George Luiz Medeiros Teodoro and Rafael Sachetto Oliveira (coach: Renato Antônio Celso Ferreira)

Special honor are given to these teams:

  • UFES
    • Lucas de Paula Veronese, Rafael Santos Coelho, Lessandro Zagoto Mariano and substitute member Jorcy de Oliveira Neto (coach: Lucia Catabriga)
  • ApoioParalelo (Mackenzie)
    • Filipe de Oliveira Rodriguez Fontan, Cindy Carol Pinto Moreira, Ricardo Gamba and Thiago (coach: Denise Stringhini)
  • MeioPunto (Mackenzie)
    • Guido Lenzi and Ricardo Hilsenrath (coach: Calebe de Paula Bianchini)

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