You can see the Final Score for both contest here.
Local Contest
These are the results of Local Contest, ordered from the 1st to
the 3rd place:
- 1st place, the Winners: Última hora - 45.013384 points
- Rafael Gauna Trindade (UFSM), Pablo Jose Pavan (UNIJUI) and
Marcelo Cogo Miletto (UNIPAMPA)
- 2nd place: LaPeSD/UFSC - 11.052503 points
- Alyson D. Pereira (UFSC), Emmanuel Podestá Junior (UFSC) and
Bruno Marques do Nascimento (UFSC)
- 3rd place: .RAR - 6.647042 points
- Rafaela Brum (UERJ) and Adrianno Sampaio (UERJ)
Special honor are given to these teams:
- CArT PUC Minas
- Matheus Alcântara Souza (PUC-MG), Lucas Andrade Maciel (PUC-MG) and
João Paulo Pereira Novais (PUC-MG)
- Bruno Chinelato Honorio (UNESP), Gustavo Leite (UNESP) and Tiago Pereira Remédio (UNESP)
- CArT PUC Minas II
- Pedro Henrique Penna (PUC-MG), Bruna Mourão Arantes (PUC-MG) and Davidson Francis Gonçalves de Lima (PUC-MG)
- LAMPiões
- Caio Bonfatti Gomes de Carvalho (UFRJ) and Victor da Cruz Ferreira (UFRJ)
Remote Contest
These are the results of Remote Contest, ordered by points:
- The Winner: High-underfoot - 107.513112 points
- Bruno Freitas Tissei (UFPR), Giovanne Marcelo dos Santos (UFPR) and
Jedian Marcos Brambilla (UFPR)
- Dimensão Paralela - 84.104233 points
- Gabriel Vinicius Canzi Candido (UFPR), Egon Nathan Bittencourt Araujo (UFPR)
and Luis Felipe Abrão Reis (UFPR)
We would like to thanks one more team:
- Arthur Francisco Lorenzon (UFRGS) and Matheus Serpa (UFRGS)
See much more at Google Photos.