5th Marathon of Parallel Programming

2010 Sponsors:

Current Edition

Click here for the current edition of the Marathon of Parallel Programming


These are the results of the marathon, ordered from the 1st to the 8th place:

  • 1st place, the Winners: LAHPC-Poli-USP - 25.2139 points
    • Augusto Gomes Jr, Fernando Kakugawa and Eric Liou
  • 2nd place: GPPD/UFRGS - 17.7904 points
    • Stéfano Drimon Kurz Mór, Laércio Lima Pilla and Francieli Zanon Boito
  • 3rd place: Universidade Federal de Viçosa - 17.5438 points
    • Salles Viana Gomes de Magalhães, Julio Cesar Goldner Vendramini and Oberlan Christo Romão
  • 4th place: DCC-UFMG - 12.0046 points
    • Bruno Coutinho and Thiago Teixeira
  • 5th place: Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo - 10.0601 points
    • Lucas de Paula Veronese, Filipe Wall Mutz and Lauro José Lyrio Júnior
  • 6th place: UFRGS - 9.6051 points
    • Antonio Lucas Neres de Oliveira Barros, Bruno Gallina Apel and Cristian Fernando Flores Castañeda
  • 7th place: DCC/UFRJ - 9.2184 points
    • Pedro Rocha, Mariam Afonso and Bruno Bottino
  • 8th place: Universidade Federal Fluminense - 9.1213 points
    • Diego Gimenez Passos, Fernanda Gonçalves de Oliveira and Felipe dos Santos Ribeiro

Special honor are given to these teams:

  • LNCC
    • Pedro Carlos da Silva Lara, Carlos Henrique Brandt and Diogo Marinho Almeida
  • LNCC
    • Daniel Gaspar Gonçalves de Souza, Fabrício Gomes Vilasboas and Pedro Henrique Vieira de Oliveira Azevedo
    • Vinicius de Freitas Reis and Raphael Ferras Gonçalves da Silva
  • UFRJ
    • Renan Iglesias Alves de Rezende, Renan da Costa Garrot and Francisco Viégas Vianna
  • UFJF
    • Daniel Mendes Caldas, Bruno Gouvêa de Barros and Alexandre Bittencourt Pigozzo

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