5th Marathon of Parallel Programming

2010 Sponsors:

Current Edition

Click here for the current edition of the Marathon of Parallel Programming

1st GPU Programming Contest

In 2010, the Marathon of Parallel Programming hosts the 1st GPU Special Programming Contest. This competition is supported by VersatusHPC and SGI.

The same rules are applied on this contest. The winners will be officially announced during the special meeting of 22nd SBAC-PAD committee.


The awards will be offered by the sponsors companies:

  • 1st team:
    3 GeForce GT 430


The GPU Contest will be hosted by LNCC at:

October 29th, 2010 (8:30am): Contest

In conjunction with International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing - SBAC-PAD 2010, in Petropolis, RJ, Brazil.


These are the results of the GPU Contest:

  • 1st place, the Winners: Universidade Federal de Viçosa - 73.5818 points
    • Salles Viana Gomes de Magalhães, Julio Cesar Goldner Vendramini and Raphael Rodrigues Campos
  • 2nd place: Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo - 12.3982 points
    • Lucas de Paula Veronese and Filipe Wall Mutz

Special honor are given to these teams:

  • LNCC
    • Daniel Gaspar Gonçalves de Souza, Fabrício Gomes Vilasboas and Pedro Henrique Vieira de Oliveira Azevedo
    • Bruno Coutinho and Thiago Teixeira

The Problems

The problem set used in the GPU contest is:


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